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We have designed a Player Dashboard for Eldritch Horror.


It holds the Investigator sheet with five spots for Improvement/Impairment tokens directly below the Skills icons.


There are 3 bowls on the side to hold Health,Sanity and Clue tokens (either the stock tokens or 3D tokens). There is a small tray below the bowls to hold the Travel Tickets and Focus tokens.


Above the Inspector Sheet there are 3 tiered slots to hold at least 9 Artifact,Asset,Condition or Spell cards.  It is sized to fit sleeved or un-sleeved cards


We are offering this as a set of 2.


If you are wanting the dashboards in different colors just leave us a note telling us your second choice.

Eldritch Horror Player Dashboard Set of 2

Color (Shades may vary)
  • The footprint of this dashboard is 7.5"w x 6"d

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