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We have designed some 3D Portal Gates for Arkham Horror, Eldritch Horror and Elder Sign

These Gates can be used in any of the above games.

We have 5 different gates and each gate will hold the portal for easy identification

The gates include: 

A well 
An archway 
A doorway
A gazebo, and
An Alter

Each portal gate has a footprint of approximately 1.75" in diameter 

**Please note that the "Archway" and "Doorway" holders only have the tentacle and designs on one side.***

We are offering these in a set of 5.

You can also get these in any combination of portals, just leave us a message in the comments section letting us know which ones you would like.

Arkham & Eldritch Horror Portal Gates set of 5

Color (Shades may vary)
  • We offer free shipping in the USA for orders over $50


    We also ship worldwide via USPS. Shipping is charged based on weight and location

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