Quite a few of our favorite games come with ALOT of tokens. Instead of using just a plain cup or just piling them off to the side, we have designed 3D printed thematic token cups.
These are the first in our growing line of token cups.
We currently have:
An anatomical heart for Health Tokens
An anatomical brain for Sanity Tokens
A "stack of bills" to use for Resource/Money tokens
A "Sherlock Holmes-esque" hat for Clue Tokens
A "Flexing Arm" for Strength or Stamina Tokens
A Helmet for Armor tokens
A Skull token cup
A Zombie Head token cup
You can have these tokens printed in any color you wish
3D Printed Token Cups
We offer free shipping in the USA for orders over $50
We also ship worldwide via USPS. Shipping is charged based on weight and location